Task 4: Continental Shelf Effects
- Taxonomic identifications (morphological and genetic), assemblage quantifications and poor health indices for macroalgae and decapod crustaceans collected on continental shelf break hard banks and adjacent deep waters exposed to Macondo oil. Principal Investigators: Dr. Darryl Felder, University of Louisiana at Lafayette; Dr. Suzanne Fredericq, University of Louisiana at Lafayette; Dr. Keith Crandall, George Washington University.
- Determination of impacts, if any, on the phytoplankton community on the Louisiana continental shelf exposed to Macondo oil. Principal Investigators: Dr. Mike Parsons, Florida Gulf Coast University; Dr. Nancy Rabalais, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.
- Determination, if any, on the dissolved oxygen conditions exposed to Macondo oil in 2010. Principal Investigator: Dr. Nancy Rabalais, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.