In the News

Listen to this podcast featuring our very own Dr. Nancy Rabalais by clicking this link. Watch a video interview by clicking this link.
-December 14, 2018

Ziegler Compares Gulf and East Coast Ecosystems for Predicting Saltmarsh Food Web Responses to Disturbances
– March 13, 2018

CWC’s own doctoral student Yu Mo is a grand prize winner of the 2017 Data Visualization and Storytelling Competition. 
– December 2017

Allison holds a Seaside Sparrow after a muddy day in the field. (Photo credit: Anna Perez-Umphrey)
– November 2017

Study Identifies Key Species that Influence Ecosystem Responses to Oiling.   -July 25, 2017

Study Identifies Oil Carbons Associated with Deepwater Horizon in Terrestrial Birds
– JUNE 27, 2017

Rutgers study predicts long-term effect of Deepwater Horizon oil spill on coastal species.
-March 2017

Project looking at the effects of the Deepwater Hozion Oil Spill.
-March 2017

Scientists Identify Critical Species from Gulf Oil Spill.
March 2017

Oil From BP Spill has Officially Entered the Food Chain.
-November 2016

Oil from the Deepwater Horizon Found in Terrestrial Birds. 
-November 2016

Scientists Find Land-based Birds Affected by Deepwater Oil Spill.
– November 2016

BP Deepwater Horizon Oil in Land Animal Food Chain.
– November 2016

Rapid Response Study Documents Marine Microbial Response to Hercules Gas Blowout. 
– November 2016

How Grad Student Cui Uses River Diversion Models to Inform Oil Spill Remediation
-December 2016

Preparing for the Next Oil Spill: Meet Brian Roberts
Professor Brian Roberts conducts experiments that measure the release of greenhouse gases from oiled salt marshes. Dr. Roberts hopes his team’s work will help guide responses to future oil spills. Watch Here
-November 2016

CWC Scientists R. Eugene Turner, Giovanna McClenachan, and Andrew W. Tweel find No Obvious Recovery from Oiled Island Shoreline Erosion
-October 2016

Oceanography: Special Issue on GoMRI: Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Volume 29 Number 3
-September 2016

Strange Seaweed Rewrites History of Green Plants
-MAY 2016

New Study Shows Rapid Marsh Bank Sediment Build Up Does Not Equate Land Loss Resilience
-MAY 2016

Grad Student Robinson Follows Little Blue Crabs for Bigger Food Web Picture
– APRIL 26, 2016

CWC II Scientists Collect Samples in Terrebonne Bay
Click here to view the full GoMRI newsletter
-MARCH 2016

Study Shows Oiling Has Multiple Subtle Negative Effects on Submerged Vegetation.
March 29, 2016

BP oil spill damage “dramatically diminished, scientists say.
03 March 2016

News: Marsh Madness Is Seldom in March
04 August 2015

Graduate Student Shares Marsh Shoreline Erosion Data
May 29, 2015

Research on Oil Biodegradation and Monitoring that Informs Spill Response,
May 4, 2015

BP oil spill: 5 years later, many environmental effects remain unclear
April 17, 2015

CWC Researchers Share Seaside Sparrow Data
April 21, 2015,

What we still don’t know about Gulf oil spill
April 21, 2015

Is Gulf Oil Spill’s Damage Over or Still Unfolding?
April 14, 2015

Environmental groups say ongoing effects of BP oil spill not always visible to the eye, but damage is continuing
April 1, 2015

Report: Problems linger in Gulf of Mexico long after 2010 Deepwater Horizon explosion
March 30, 2015

Researchers are finding oil can hurt coastal life
March 26, 2015

Beyond the Sea: How Oil Spills in the Ocean Affect Birds on Land
February 12, 2015

Smithsonian Highlights CWC Research on Seaside Sparrows
February 12, 2015

NICS and XSEDE Advance an Investigation of the Gulf Coast Ecosystem
February 3, 2015

Study shows plants resistant to oil
January 10, 2015

Video: 2015 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference Plenary Speaker Nancy Rabalais, PhD 

Final phase of BP oil spill trial scheduled for nearly two weeks in January
21 April 2014

Insect Population Dwindling in Louisiana Marshlands Four Years After BP Blowout
19 April 2014

Four years after devastating BP oil spill, scientists search for life in the Gulf
17 April 2014

NWF: Barataria Bay still struggling 4 years after BP oil spill
10 April 2014

Health of Gulf species suggests problems, raises questions almost four years after BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill, report says
8 April 2014

Deepwater Horizon disaster spurs research into underwater ecology
3 April 2014

Professor sheds light on BP cover up
29 March 2014

Scientists: Gulf able to absorb methane from oil spill
23 March 2014

Researcher finds methane from oil spill has entered food web
13 March 2014

Florida still in grip of 2010 BP oil spill
11 March 2014

Research: BP oil spill still harms dolphins
4 March 2014

Oil spill cleanup by sponge: Wisconsin scientists tout tidy technology
26 February 2014

Scientists Train Students on Oil Spill Research
25 February 2014

Toxins released by oil spills send fish hearts into cardiac arrest
13 February 2014

Scientific Spill Studies, Funded by BP, Start to Yield Results
8 February 2014

BP Deepwater Horizon disaster offered lessons for more rapid, cooperative response, scientists say
29 January 2014

Gulf Coast residents not showing higher chemical exposure post-BP oil spill than rest of nation
28 January 2014

BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill’s impact on Gulf of Mexico Fisheries discussed
27 January 2014

Gulf of Mexico oil spill conference discusses debunking myths and misconceptions
26 January 2014

What was the Fate of Oil Released into the Gulf of Mexico?
10 January 2014

BP disputes report linking La. dolphin illnesses to oil spill
20 December 2013

Dolphins in Barataria Bay sickened from oil exposure
19 December 2013

Study Reveals Recovery and Loss in Oiled Louisiana Marshes
16 December 2013

Louisiana Educators Shadow Scientists in Reality Wetlands Workshops
25 November 2013

LUMCON workshops aim to teach about coast’s health
20 November 2013

Students Are Field Tested During Emergency Response To Hercules Blowout
18 November 2013

CWC Involves All in the Family in Oil Spill Marsh Science
9 August 2013

Scientific Dream Team Conducts Rapid Response Research at Hercules Gas Blowout
1 August 2013

Wildlife tourism brings in billions annually
9 July 2013, The Daily Comet

LSU CCT’s visualization expert Werner Benger explores the fate of BP Deepwater Horizon oil south of New Orleans
7 July 2013, LSU Center for Computation & Technology

Massive tar mat dug up off Louisiana coast, 3 years after Gulf spill
26 June 2013, CNN

Effects of BP oil spill studied on oysters
25 June 2013,

Scientists examine oil spill’s impact on oysters
22 June 2013, The Courier

Where the BP oil spill money is going
6 June 2013, CNN

Researcher studies oil spill effects on oysters
27 May 2013,

Researchers study oil impacts at LUMCON
27 May 2013, Daily Comet

UT experts: BP oil spill gone from deep ocean, but remains in marshes
 28 April 2013,

Tests indicate decline in coastal marsh insects traced to BP oil spill
28 April 2013,

Researchers Suspect Oil Affected Insect Life
 28 April 2013, AP

Empty nets in Louisiana three years after the spill
 27 April 2013, CNN

Insects fall silent in oiled coastal marshes
 24 April 2013, The Advocate.

LSU Researchers Study the Impact of Oil Spill on Seaside Sparrows
 26 March 2013, LSU Research News

GOMA appoints Dr. Shaw (LSU) to a vacant seat in the GoMRI Research Board

GoMRI approved funding for 19 new grants, roughly $20 million.  Among the 629 applications, research proposals at University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, Louisiana State University, and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution were awarded.

Dr. Rabalais was announced as one of the 2012 MacArthur Foundation Fellows.  Twenty-three MacArthur Fellows were selected for their creativity, originality, and potential to make important contributions in the future.  Each fellow will be given $500K over the span of 5 years and they can use the money how they see fit.  The “no-strings-attached” support underscores the spirit of freedom intrinsic to creative endeavors.  Dr. Rabalais was given the award because of her work highlighting hypoxic zones in the Gulf of Mexico and informing strategies for restoring these degraded waters.

BP has been sued $4.5 million and the corporation has pleaded guilty to 11 accounts  felony manslaughter, one count of felony obstruction of Congress and violations of the Clean Water and Migratory Bird Treaty Acts.

Dr. Linda Hooper-Bui is an insect ecologist who is doing research within GoMRI, studying how insects are affected by oil contamination.  Some forms of insects can be of high ecological value– especially those that are closely associated with plant life and soil.  Dr. Hooper-Bui and her colleagues have observed a decrease in insect abundance along the coast in oiled areas.

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